Low alloyed steel, aluzinc; galvanized, at plant; 43% zinc, 55% aluminium and 2% silicon; galvanized layer amounts to 6% of steel mass; 96% primary material, 4% recycled material

Reference flow
1 kg
Reference year
Technological Quality Level
Geographical Quality Level
Time Quality Level

Product name

Low alloyed steel, aluzinc; galvanized, at plant; 43% zinc, 55% aluminium and 2% silicon; galvanized layer amounts to 6% of steel mass; 96% primary material, 4% recycled material


Reference flow

1 kg

System boundaries

Cradle-to-gate. Starts with the production of raw material (pig iron) and ends with galvanization of steel parts.


Wastes and end-of-life

Processing waste is included, EoL waste of the steel not accounted for.

Use advice of the dataset

This dataset should be used to model the use of steel produced in Europe and uses ecoinvent 3.8 processes in the background. More precisely,

·       For both steel processing technologies (oxygen blast furnace and electric converter), the raw material (pig iron) production and the galvanization process, the ecoinvent processes have been adjusted to European heat and electricity inputs.

·       The shares of recycled and virgin materials are adjusted based on the use of technologies in the country (World steel association, 2021).


The dataset generator kindly invites LCA practitioners to share their dataset, if they claim to have a better dataset for this reference product.


Technology description

The share of recycled and virgin materials is based on the use of production technologies in Europe (oxygen blast furnace used for recycled material and electric converter used for virgin material) based on statistics from World Steel Association (2021). For further description of the technologies, see the description of the ecoinvent datasets.

Quality level





Geographical representativeness description

Global and RoW ecoinvent processes for steel production technologies adjusted to represent European production.

Quality level



Reference year


Time representativeness description

Elements modified from the ecoinvent datasets are based on yearly World Steel published data, representative for 2020.

Time quality level



LCI method principle


Other comments on methods approaches

See documentation of the ecoinvent processes for further details about the modified datasets.


Cut off for mass or energy flows


Data treatment and extrapolations principles

See documentation of the ecoinvent processes for further details about the modified datasets.

Data collection period



Data set generator

Irmeline de Sadeleer


World Steel Association, word steel in figures 2021

Silva, de Sadeleer & Rønning (2021). EPD data to LCA.no. CF, CCF and CCCF Panel Switchgears. OR.29.21

Access and use restrictions


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LCA data are used to analyse the environmental impact of products, systems and services. The data are structured as an inventory list (for LCA experts) or as a single impact score (for companies).


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