Product name
CO2 from upgrading of biogas; from food waste and manure; production, distribution, and use
Reference flow unit
1 kg
System boundaries
CO2 from upgrading of biogas is considered as recyclable material, in line with the methodology of ecoinvent database cut off by classification. This means that CO2 is seen as a recyclable waste flow from production of biogas, and only the distribution and use phase is included in the inventory.
Wastes and end-of-life
The inventory only considers CO2 used as a product, there are no waste streams in the system
Use advice of the dataset
This dataset should be used when modelling the use of CO2 from upgrading of biogas distributed in a pipeline. The dataset does not include compression of the CO2.
Technology description
1 kg CO2 produced at an anaerobic digestion plant, transported in pipeline.
Quality level
Very good
Geographical representativeness
The biogas facility is located in the Vestfold and Telemark county. The CO2 is used in a greenhouse located in close proximity with the biogas plant
Reference year
Time representativeness
Report was published in 2020.
Other comments on methods approaches
Ecoinvent 3 – allocation, cut-off by classification, version 3.8 was used as background database.
Data treatment and extrapolations principles
Lyng, K.-A., Saxegård, S., 2020, Livsløpsvurdering av produktene og tjenestene til Den Magiske Fabrikken. OR.23.20. NORSUS, Kråkerøy. Available from: (In Norwegian)
Internal Project and process identifier