Household waste collection, residual waste, to residual waste sorting facility

Reference flow
1 kg
Reference year

Product name

Household waste collection, residual waste, to residual waste sorting facility

Reference flow unit

1 kg

System boundaries

The process includes the collection of 1 kg residual waste and end with the delivery of the waste at the waste bunker of the residual waste sorting facility. Regarding the production of biogas used as fuel, the system starts at the biogas upgrading facility.

Wastes and end-of-life

Waste treatment and maintenance of the infrastructure are included in the dataset. Further treatment of the collected waste itself is not included in the dataset

Use advice of the dataset

This dataset should be used to model the impact from residual waste collection in Romerike, Norway. Since residual waste is going to a residual waste sorting facility, only glass & metal and paper & cardboard are collected separately. Collection of these waste fraction is not included in the dataset. Ecoinvent 3.8 is used to model the background processes.


Technology description

77% of the residual waste is collect by waste collection vehicles on biogas, 23% is collected by diesel vehicles. Direct emissions from biogas are modelled using natural gas emission profiles as proxy, but these are adjusted to the lower methane content of biogas.

Quality level





Geographical representativeness

The dataset is representative for the Romerike district in south-eastern Norway

Reference year


Time representativeness

The waste collection routes, amount of residual waste collected, and amount of diesel / biogas used are from 2016 and are collected from Callewaert (2017)

Other comments on methods approaches


Data treatment and extrapolations principles



Callewaert, P. (2017). Analysing the sustainability performance and critical improvement factors of urban municipal waste systems. (Masters). NTNU, Trondheim. Retrieved from

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