Heat, for district heating, Norwegian production mix, without waste incineration or ambient heat, at plant

Reference flow
1 kWh
Reference year

Product name

Heat, for district heating, Norwegian production mix, without waste incineration or ambient heat, at plant

Reference flow unit

1 kWh

System boundaries

Production mix of district heat in Norway in 2021, based on information on energy carriers from Norsk Fjernvarme, minus heat from waste combustion and ambient heat from industry. The activity starts with acquisition of energy carriers, i.e., acquisition and transport of fossil oil and gas, harvesting and transport of woody biomass, and production, transformation from high to low voltage and transmission of electricity. The activity stops at district heat production facility (i.e. distribution is not included).

Use advice of the dataset

This dataset should be used to model the production mix of district heat that is avoided by using heat from waste combustion or ambient heat from industry. Hence, those two energy carriers are removed from the average production mix of heat for district heating, such that they do not replace themselves. This dataset represents the district heat production mix in Norway in the year 2020. Data on heat production and share of different energy carriers are collected from www.fjernkontrollen.no. ecoinvent 3.8 allocation, cut-off by classification is used for the background data.  

Technology description

Average technology for production and transmission of electricity in Norway. Heat from the other sources based on average European technologies. One technology is selected to represent each category of energy carriers. For fuel oil, light fuel oil is selected. For bioenergy, wood logs combustion is used as representative technology.


Quality level





Geographical representativeness

Total heat production and share of sources are representative for Norway. Background data are representative for European technology.

Reference year


Time representativeness

Annual production.

Other comments on methods approaches

Allocation cut-off by classification in background data. 


Data treatment and extrapolations principles

The energy carriers are given by Norsk Fjernvarme. One technology is selected to represent each category of energy carriers. For fuel oil, light fuel oil is selected. For bioenergy, wood logs combustion is used as representative technology. Heat from incineration of waste and ambient heat from industry are removed from the replaced heat, so that they do not replace themselves.  


Norsk Fjernvarme (2022). Fjernkontrollen.no. [online] Available at https://www.fjernkontrollen.no/ Webpage. Access date: 27.09.2022.

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