Electricity AC; consumption mix, to consumer; medium voltage 

Reference flow
1 kWh
Reference year

Product name

Electricity AC; consumption mix, to consumer; medium voltage

Reference flow unit

1 kWh

System boundaries

The process includes production and distribution of the consumption mix of electricity in Norway. The process start with production of energy, includes import/export (NVE, fysisk miks), and the production, and end-of-life of the infrastructure necessary for the distribution of electricity. This includes data on primary substations, overhead lines, ground and sea cables. Losses and compensation of losses of SF6 is included, as is energy losses in the system. The system boundary ends at the point of the consumer of electricity at high voltage level (> 66 kV – corresponding to the regional transmission network in Norway) for the high voltage process, at the point of the consumer at 12 or 22 kV for medium voltage, and at the point of the consumer at 320 or 400 V for low voltage.

Wastes and end-of-life

End-of-life is modelled according to cut-off. No credits for recycling are included in the dataset. Average European waste treatment according to EN 50936, Table G4 is assumed.

Use advice of the dataset

Note that data on land transformation has not been modified for Norwegian conditions and is equal to the assumptions in the background database ecoinvent 3.9.1. The dataset is based on data collected for the Norwegian regional transmission network, and this data has been extrapolated to also represent the transmission network (sentralnettet). So, the user should be aware that this cause some uncertainty related to the dataset.

Technology description

The technology is representative of the Norwegian electric energy production and distribution in 2022. Data on the regional transmission network is based on data from 2022 (that includes SF6 losses, energy losses and total length of the electricity network). The foreground system includes specific data on the network – based on data from one DSO in Norway – representative for the entre regional transmission network, and the amount of produced energy from each energy source in 2022 according to NVE.

Quality level




Geographical representativeness

Foreground data based on reported data from Norwegian DSOs. Technology closest to Norwegian production and import. Waste management according to European averages.

Reference year


Time representativeness

Data based on electric energy production and distribution in year 2022. Annual average of SF6 losses, energy losses being used. Data on the electricity network infrastructure from 31.12.2022.

Data treatment and extrapolations principles

The main data on the network infrastructure is collected from one DSO in Norway. This includes the types of components and the composition of the components. 95 % coverage of the variation within one component type that is extrapolated to cover 100 % of the component.


OR.10.24 Miljøpåvirkning fra nettvirksomhet Økonomisk og teknisk rapportering (eRapp). (2022). [Nettinfrastruktur i Norge]. Retrieved from: https://www.nve.no/reguleringsmyndigheten/regulering/nettvirksomhet/oekonomisk-regulering-av-nettselskap/rapportering-av-data/oekonomisk-og-teknisk-rapportering-erapp/. Access date: 08.12.2023 Klimadeklarasjon for fysisk levert strøm 2022. (2022). [Consumption mix in Norway]. Retrieved from: Hvor kommer strømmen fra? – NVE. Access date: 28.05.2024.

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