Om NorEnviro

Electricity; Norwegian consumption mix, high voltage, to consumer

Reference flow
1 kWh
Reference year
Technological Quality Level
Geographical Quality Level
Time Quality Level

Product name

Electricity; Norwegian consumption mix, high voltage, to consumer


Reference flow

1 kWh


System boundaries

Consumption mixes for high voltage electricity used in Norway in 2020, based on high voltage electricity mix given by NVE (2021) (Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate). This high voltage mix includes electricity production in Norway and in the countries Norway exchanges electricity with (Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, Finland and Russia).


Distribution network, direct emissions to air (sulfur hexafluoride, dinitrogen monoxide and methane) and electricity losses are accounted for, using ecoinvent data.


Wastes and end-of-life

Waste treatment is included in the background processes. Market processes for end-of-life treatment of infrastructure have been used. Cut-off modelling has been used, and no recycling credits have been included.


Use advice of the dataset

These datasets represent high voltage electricity used at consumer in Norway. Users should be aware to choose the correct voltage level.


Technology description

Electricity from gas, coal, other fossil (assumed oil) and other renewable (assumed wood chips) have been assumed from combined heat and power plants. Hydro power imported from Sweden has been assumed as 100% run-of-river. Norwegian hydro power has been assumed as 76% reservoir and 24% run-of-river according to Silva and Modahl (2019).


Quality level






Geographical representativeness description

Calculation of the high voltage electricity mix is based on the following by NVE (2020):

–       Imported electricity is assumed produced in the country from which it is imported.

–       Exported electricity from Norway is assumed produced in Norway.

–       Import and export it is assumed that the electricity is crossing one country border only.


Quality level



Reference year



Time representativeness description

To calculate the Norwegian high voltage mix, the net import and export for each country has been calculated by the hour throughout one year and then summed (NVE 2020). The electricity mix is specific for Norway in 2020, while the background processes (electricity produced by different technologies using different energy carriers, transformation and distribution network) are from ecoinvent 3.8 and may be older.


Time quality level



LCI method principle



Other comments on methods approaches


Cut off for mass or energy flows

100% is included in the foreground modelling. For the background processes (electricity produced by different technologies using different energy carriers, transformation and transmission network), see ecoinvent 3.8 – allocation, cut-off.


Data treatment and extrapolations principles

The dataset is based on the high voltage electricity consumption mix given by NVE (2020), which is then transformed to medium and low voltage by using ecoinvent 3.8 – allocation, cut-off background processes.


Data collection period



Data set generator

Generated by Ingunn Saur Modahl



NVE (2021): Hvor kommer strømmen fra? (Where does the electricity come from?) Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat (Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate), published 15.06.2020, updated 02.07.2021. Assessed 20.09.2021. Link:,hovedsak%20kom%20fra%20fornybare%20energikilder

Silva, M. and Modahl, I.S. (2019): The inventory and life cycle data for Norwegian hydroelectricity. Ostfold Research (now NORSUS), AR 01.19, public, May 2019 (based on AR 02.15 public memo). Link:


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